Tuesday, October 21, 2008

31 for 21 (#21) Elliot and the Red Brush

Get It Down; 31 for 21
We have toys. We have toys, and books and heaps of baby stuff coming out of our ears. But, Elliot prefers the red brush. His face lights up with merriment each and every morning following his bath as I fetch the red brush to tame his rats. He would literally play with the red brush, “talking” to it, swinging it, licking it (and yes, I clean it often) and throwing it so he can crawl to it, for hours on end if I allowed this much red brush time.

We also have a cat toy that he cherishes, a carpeted base attached to a wire spring with a fur carpet ball affixed to the end. Oh, and my slippers. He loves those too – security toys I call them, even though they are really not toys at all. When upset, he searches for the slippers, the cat toy or the beloved red brush. I know that I can calm him with any of the three. And, heaven forbid that Isaac try to steal one of these much-loved items. Elliot will share everything, with the exception of these things. They are his and Isaac ought not come near!

God love my boy and his adored red brush.


Stephanie said...

Aiden loves anything red.

Melissa @ Banana Migraine said...

Oh my goodness - that is so sweet!

JaybirdNWA said...

Hey Michelle, Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog. It is so nice to meet other parents of children with Down syndrome. I look forward to reading about your experiences with Elliot. And yes, I find it interesting how much children with Down syndrome love the different textures. Our John loves the feel of different textures next to his skin. We use them for comfort and for his therapy.