Thursday, March 29, 2007

"But I just want some REAL food!"

Elliot will soon endure a fluoroscopy (or modified barium swallow study). Poor guy. We’ve done one and now another before we can start to give him solids. A speech language pathologist in combination with a radiologist will record the images to diagnose oral swallowing dysfunction (if any), determine the safest food consistencies, and plan a “treatment” program for Wee E. As Elliot simply cannot hold his head up (at nearly 8 months), we have to go down this road before I can merely give him some darn rice cereal. Elliot is a pig, eating about 50 ounces of formula daily. He seems to salivate each and every time we eat in front of him. He so wants something besides his beloved “ba.” He says that his liquid diet is starting to really STINK!


Jessica said...

And barium is no fun... you're right poor little guy!! I hope all goes well, keep us updated!


Amy Flege said...

aww poor elliot!! i hope it all goes smoothly so he can have some good stuff!